As established over the last decade (and accelerating over the past three years since the beginning of the pandemic), online advertising drives sales across multiple channels. In our two-decade career as Consulting CFOs, we have witnessed ineffective and high-expense marketing spending cripple brands (often times permanently) with extremely bright futures. As a result, in our preliminary financial statement analysis and discussions we rapidly transition from our initial assessments of COGS and Gross Margins to a Net Margin focus spanning “Discounts & Promos” as well as “Sales & Marketing”. 

To provide deeper insight (further information available upon request), in our practice we like to request clients respond to a group of laser-focused questions to initiate the process of discovering & implementing cost-effective omni-channel marketing as follows:

  • Please delineate your current “customer journey” (to all sales channels) and how it compares to current trends by competitors and the marketplace;
  • Please outline your inter-sales channel marketing by process, impact and expense (specifically including recent trends);
  • Please present your sales & marketing ad spend (including ratio analysis (to total revenue)) by sales channel and the anticipated time frame to trend to industry standard ratios;
  • Please describe your ranking of sales channel marketing impact (including projected growth trends).

How do you feel about your (potential) answers?  In general, we have found the responses are derived from several interesting financial assumptions which were pertinent for quite a while in business history but are, increasingly, less so in the current marketplace. 

Recently, we have expanded our practice services to include premier marketing talent and established a tangential brand to manifest this journey for clients (Grow Outside The Box). Please Contact Us for further details and information.